
Don't give up!

It has taken me a long time to come to a realization of something mom has been trying to help me understand for years.  I am very much a "100% or nothing" person--do it all or don't do it at all.  I know this kind of attitude is good in some areas of life, but it is NOT good in MOST areas of life.  In fact, it has kept me from establishing good habits that are sustainable.  An example of this is exercise.  I suspect that I'm not alone in saying that I go in spurts.  I make lofty (and to be honest completely unrealistic) goals of how I'm going to transform my life.  I'll make a plan to get up at 5:30 a.m. six days a week and exercise for at least 1 hour.  I will plan to eat healthy foods, cut out desserts, etc.  You know how the story goes.  I start off with a bang and do really well for...2-3 days.  I might even make it a week (and if I'm really determined into my second week).  The problem is that I miss a day and then two and then three and I get discouraged and give up.  If I can't exercise the complete hour (and do it to perfection), I feel like a failure and just give up.  I stop altogether.  It sounds ridiculous, but this is how I have lived much of my life.

Mom's philosophy has always been, "Well, if you can't do 1 hour, then do 30 minutes.  If you can't do 30 minutes, then do 10 minutes.  If you can't do it today, then make sure you do it tomorrow."  The point here is don't give up.  Don't give in.  Don't stop.  Don't let the voices inside you make you think you are worthless or a failure. Keep going.  It is better to do a little bit and continue down the path than it is to get discouraged if you don't do it perfectly.  I am certainly not condoning procrastination or mediocrity.  We should strive to be the best we can be, but when we fall down, don't stay down.  Get back up and give it another shot.  Perfection doesn't come all at once.  We might have to walk before we can jog and jog some more before we can run.    

Our bishop has given each of us a challenge to read 2 chapters a day from the Book of Mormon and finish before our trek this summer.  I know if you get behind in this, it can seem overwhelming to try to catch up. Your impulse might be, "Well, if I can't finish by the trek, then I might as well give up.  I'm so far behind I'll never be able to finish at this rate."  I'm hear to tell you that you don't need to listen to that nonsense going on inside your head.  So you got behind...so what!?  Just pick up where you left off and move forward.  If two chapters is too much, then only do a chapter or 15 minutes or a few verses.  If you miss a day, then make sure you do it tomorrow.  It is much more important that you build the habit in your life than it is to finish by May.  As you build your habit muscles, it will become easier over time.  You just need to give yourself time to get those muscles moving.  Don't fall into the "100% or nothing" trap.  By and large, it is not a productive way to live.  

Love you forever!
